Living Wabi-Sabi


How to live a life that isn't plagued with




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Perfectionism is often defined asĀ the need to be or appear to be perfect, or even to believe that it's possible to achieve perfection. It is typically viewed as a positive trait rather than a flaw. But I mean, we know better, right? As physicians we have been conditioned to do more, try more and be more every time we struggle. But what if that is inherently what keeps us from being happy in the here and now?


You can't quite remember when it started, but it does not seem to end. For years, I had a recurring nightmare that I had a test that I did not know about. I was unprepared taking a test knowing I know nothing. This was my deep fear that I was unprepared for life, for what is to come up next. That I wasn't good enough. This constantĀ internal nag of me having an imposter syndrome that never became quiet.Ā 


This one is the kicker. We are constantly in a state of resisting. Trying to fix our life. The spouse that doesn't listen. The kids that are not turning out the way wanted them to be. The hospital administration that doesn't appreciate or value us. Even the diagnosis of a chronic illness that was shared with us the other day. Always resisting the life we have, hoping for something better instead. What if your peace only showed up when you stopped resisting?