Aloha, I'm Faryal.
A Palliative Care Physician, a Certified Life Coach, a Mindfulness Teacher, and a friend...

It's easy for you to say...
On the outside, you see a confident woman walking on a beach in Hawaii.
I am a first generation Iranian girl born into a family of 5 children with a life that doesn't match this photo. You could say that my early chapters of life felt stressful and pressured before I had words to describe them.
Having lived through a revolution, bombings, 8 year long war, two separate immigration journeys, I have lived through more trauma than I care to relive.
As my mentor Eckhart Tolle reminds us:
Facing periods of high catastrophic existence forces us to rise above our own suffering and reach our peace by tapping into a higher state of being and awareness.
I chose to be a Palliative Care Physician because facing death and dying felt second nature to me.
But, practicing medicine fore 21 years caring for seriously ill, I came into a stark realization.
The more I listened to people around me, I learned that those who are alive are equally in pain and DYING INSIDE.
Only remedy is to learn how you can transition to a state of mindfulness that's in peace with itself.
I want to help you wake up to the HERE and NOW.
"I know you're tired but come,
this is the way."
Yeah, but who does she think she is?
I remember vividly, sitting in an Eckhart Tolle teaching event, he looked at us and he said:
"You are all spiritual teachers to someone."
It was not without courage that I decided to do this.
My own coach had to help me get over the ever nagging "Imposter Syndrome".
I had to believe that I had what it takes.
As a Palliative Care physician and having proximity to death everyday, I knew what mattered to the dying.
As a Mindfulness teacher practicing yoga and meditation for years, I knew the power of the present and stillness.
As a Certified Life Coach, I knew I had the tools to teach my clients to reset their mindset.
So, I know who I am. The exact person that was in your shoes before I started practicing what I preach.
Let me help you get there.

Did the little girl in your pictures end up with a happy ending?
First and foremost, let me tell you my favorite teaching:
I am not trying to take away your agency or teach you a way of thinking that makes you feel complacent.
I am simply here to tell you that your power to reach a full state of human consciousness is to learn the power of the here and now.
Knowing that this moment is all you have: You can either accept it, try to change the things that can bring you more peace, or you can move away from it.
All else is madness.

Group Coaching is Evidenced Based Intervention*:
Living Intentionally
Coaching & Yoga Program
A comprehensive mind, body and soul program to help you get yourself back on track to focus on a future that is exactly as you wish it to be. Decisions move you forward.
*Statistically significant changes in terms of well being, decrease in burnout and moral injury based on a recent study published in JAMA
I can help.
Are you curious about hiring me as your coach?
Join Our Coaching Program
"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together."
African Proverb
We are so busy in life that every year it seems like we go from bad to worse. We feel like
We have weight to lose,
We have home and office spaces to keep organized,
We have relationships to maintain and improve,
And we have work that never ends (at work and at home).
Let me help you figure out what it means to focus on what matters most.
You are overwhelmed and rushed. As a palliative care physician, I have seen what seems to matter most at the end of life. It's not rushing through our daily life.
It's living an intentional life. A life lived on purpose.
Let me help you by taking care of your WHOLE being.

Just practicing 10-15 minutes a day, will set you up for another life all together. My clients swear by this shift in mindset in terms of how this helps them respond as opposed to react to life. You may listen to my recorded guided sessions or choose to follow an app or my instructors' teachings.

World Class Yoga
Join Jenn and Ami, two of the most accomplished instructors and compassionate human beings, as they lead you through weekly live sessions of Yin and Flow yoga along with guided and iRest meditation. Both classes are recorded and are available on demand.

Weekly Live Group Coaching
It's impossible to comprehend the effectiveness of weekly group coaching. Following online courses to follow new weekly content and worksheets, we dive into real life problems and how managing our minds can change our lives.

Priscilla Vu, MD
"I've had such a great experience with the group coaching sessions. They have very relevant topics towards living a more joyful and intentional life. I learn so much from others getting coached as well as we share many of the same underlying concerns. It has been an eye opening experience. Dr. Michaud is such a beautiful personality and really great at guiding you through ways to improve your mindset. I look forward to each of the weekly sessions and topics. "

Beril Buluku, MD
"Group coaching with Dr. Michaud has been amazing. She has a special talent in coaching along with a deep wisdom and a lot of compassion. She has helped make fundamental leaps in my time management, emotional eating and most importantly awareness of unintentional working models. I am very grateful. "

Kim Kaffenbarger, MD
"I almost didn't take the leap of joining Dr. Michaud for a year's worth of coaching- what a mistake that would have been!
"Living Intentionally" has been a life changing experience for me. As a physician, woman, mom and wife, setting aside the time and the money for myself was a daunting commitment. It has turned out to be the best investment I have ever made! I am living my life more intentionally, and I have a new sense of calm and strength in my life.
I am also living my bucket list NOW- how fun!
The coaching has extended to every aspect of my life, and my interactions with family, peers and patients have improved because of the insight I am gaining into my inner thoughts and feelings. They yoga sessions are unlike any yoga I have taken in the past, and the instructors are the best that I have ever experienced. The journey with Faryal, Jen and Ami is a beautiful one, as you transform mind, body, and soul!"